Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Half Way There

The New York City Half Marathon was in a word, AMAZING. The weather was perfect, the crowds supportive, and the course, incredible. My favorite part was running through Times Square with "Footloose" blasting. I couldn't help but dance a little while running. I was so happy to have my Mom (pictured) and her friend Claudia there to cheer me on and the support from Team in Training was unending.

Was it my best run? Probably not. I went out a little too strong for the first 8 miles and then paid for it in the end. Is this discouraging? No. Makes me want to be even more prepared for the marathon in November. I am officially signed up for the ING NYC Marathon with TNT and will continue my fund-raising efforts on a new page (http://pages.teamintraining.org/nyc/nyc11/emcintya93).

Thank you again to all of my generous donors. Your donations were part of over $1 million raised for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society from the CT, NY and Long Island TNT chapters alone. Now that's amazing...

Sunday, March 13, 2011

One Week Away!

This time next week I'll be finished with the NYC Half Marathon! I'm hoping to run a little faster than my first 1/2 and finish at or a little before 2 hours.

The team had a nice and easy 5 mile run today. So much easier than last week's 12. This week I'm going to take it easy, eat right, and get psyched up for Sunday. Luckily I have spring break for the University of Bridgeport this week so I should be able to get extra rest.

The race starts in Central Park and ends in Battery Park. Can't wait to be running through Times Square!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Soaked to the Bone

Anyone who has seen me post-workout knows that I sweat a lot. Kind of gross to admit, I know, but this is not sweaty picture of me people. Around mile 6 of the 12 mile run this morning, it started to pour. At this late stage in training, Mo Nats* is testing my perseverance.

The NYC half marathon is only two weeks away and I completed my last long training run before the race. For the next two weeks, I'll be running, but taking it easy. If you ask my Mom, I've been "tapering" for the whole 16 weeks of training, but at least I've completed my weekend runs without a problem.

Stay dry today - it is nasty out there.

*Mo Nats = Mother Nature