Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Pre-Season Goodness

After my amazing experience with the NYC Half Marathon, I got pneumonia. My training came to a halt and didn't do much moving for two months. Bummer, I know.

Now that my lungs are feeling better and my work load at University of Bridgeport has been considerably less, I'm able to start my pre-season training for the New York City Marathon. I'm starting to get excited...first full marathon, turning thirty, oh my. It is all coming up so soon! And by soon I mean at least five months ;)

I joined my new Team in Training teammates this evening at Bethesda Fountain in Central Park for some cross training. After a quick 10-minute run, we did lunges, curtsies, push ups, jumping jacks, planks, squats, standing ab work, and ended with some stretching. It was a beautiful evening in Central Park and I think my first time at Bethesda Fountain/Terrace. It was at times difficult to focus on jumping jacks while working out under such a beautiful ceiling. I look forward to many more work outs with my new teammates and discovering more of New York in the process.

(photo borrowed from bleekerstreetphoto.com)